Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

Last night we all went to a wedding of a colleague of mine from work.

It was the first Chinese wedding I had been to. The evening started off poorly - DH was late leaving work, so he got his taxi to pick us up and go onto the venue, and had no chance to change or freshen up. Apparently the taxi driver was in a foul mood and resented having the extra pickup (you think he would be happier about having a larger fare!). The taxi gave us the runaround and took us to the wrong destination. I was so angry. The invitation specified meal to be served at 7.30 and requested everyone be punctual. I guess I shouldn't have worried. Proceedings didn't start until 8.30.

As usual the kids were centre of attention. Mr T was a bit tired and grumpy as he had a cold, but quickly perked up when familiar faces from school came and said hello to him. He apparently stole the show with the bride's father during the "table toasts" (I was outside talking to a friend).

Ms A showed she is definitely soaking up info at school. She was aghast when sharks fin soup was served and was a real little conservationist, refusing to eat it. She did her best to read the chinese menu and was saying "xie xie" at every opportunity.

I don't know what all the fuss is about. I've heard so many things about the different practises at Chinese weddings, but there really was little that was that unusual. Yes, there is lots of food. Yes, there are costume changes for the bride. There are also tables full of people having a good time, bestowing blessings on the happy couple. The strangest thing about a Chinese wedding dinner is that here in Singapore at least it happens well after the "official" wedding/licensure (?) at ROM.

I guess you have to save up to party!!!