Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This time last year

In our final weeks in Singapore the kids had big things going on at school. MsA performed in her second "musical spectacular". She performed a solo on piano playing the Celine Dion song from Titanic. She then organised two of her best friends and the three of them sang the song to the music director's accompaniment.

Here they are with their Grade 3 teacher.

To think, if we were still in Singapore Amy would be graduating from Elementary school this week!

Thankfully DH made it back to Singapore in time to see MrT's Kindergarten graduation. Yes, I know it's silly to have a graduation ceremony from kinder, but I guess as the kinder program was 3 yrs, it's a pretty big deal.

I'm surprised to discover we don't have any photos of all the chaos that was packing up the apartment. Just goes to show how busy I was - no time for photos!