We are at the serviced apartment in Sydney. Phew. Departure from Singapore was less than smooth, but that was probably a good thing as it stopped me getting all sentimental.
We checked out the new home on Monday afternoon, and thankfully it is not as bad as the photos DH sent. The bathroom is definately "snug" and in need of improvements, but the house itself is great. How can I complain - I have a craft room!
Today we visited the kids' school and picked up uniforms etc so that they can start next week. They are both walking around in their uniforms waiting to show off to daddy when he walks in the door.
I do hope the school transition will be OK. Apparently class sizes are pretty big. I'm most concerned that MsA will struggle in the big class - she is so easily distracted. It looks like she will be placed in a 3/4 composite class, I think that could be a good thing for her.
I don't have any concerns for MrT - other than I hope his inquisitiveness and desire to share his general knowledge doesn't come across as being a "chatterbox". I guess it wasn't a great start for him when he got in trouble from the principal during the school tour for jumping up and walking on the lunch benchs. Ooops!