DH works hard, and I understand that he needs time to wind down ... just getting increasingly frustrated that he would rather spend his down time with his workmates than his family. This has been a problem in the past - and is back again.
The kids were very excited that this week has a number of public holidays in it, cos it meant that daddy would be spending time at home. (I was actually a little annoyed that this break snuck up on us and we weren't able to take advantage by planning a holiday) MsA asked that we call all weekends, public holidays etc "family time" because she loved having us all together.
I don't think she would have been impressed to hear daddy tell me that he was going off with one of his workmates all day today to a park that I have been pleading daddy to go with us to ... oh, and of course this was said last night after he returned home late, smelling of beer when he had told me earlier in the day he would come straight home cos he wanted to join the boys for drinkies on friday and knew he shouldn't do it twice in a week.
Apparently the look of disgust and the silent treatment I gave him got the message across - he must have started to sober up - cos he didn't go with the boys today after all. Hmmm.... I like to think thats why he didn't go .... not cos it rained all night and the park would be a mudhole!