Friday, September 16, 2005

Blinkers on

I was happy today to be able to go into school this morning to fill in for one of the "reading mums". (One of the downsides of work! Can't make it to all the school stuff)

I had hoped that MsA would be performing well with reading, coming from an English speaking family, and having me help her at home. Unfortunately she isn't going as great as I had hoped ... but more worrying is her classroom behaviour. She isn't getting anything done, and is distracting everyone. I'll have to follow up more closely with her teacher, but I am suspecting mild SI issues and am kicking myself for not picking it up earlier. It's my job, for goodness sake!

I guess it is one of those things - you don't see what is under your nose. Or maybe its that you (I) don't want to believe it could affect my own child.